Fresh Insight
Economic systems are ideas
Created by the doings of man Inspired for advancement Cooperative trust that was planned A way to smooth the commerce Trading goods and services with one another Monetary policies essential Efficient exchange with freedom discovered Means of sharing and easing burdens of stress Providing some comfort, sustenance and rest A cycle of production and growth Free and open, seeking the best Capitalism unrivaled through time An engine unparalleled, competitive awareness Unchecked and unbalanced Unfettered by fairness Other systems try to spread The wealth all around Adam Smith’s notion failed Slave labor was found Without regulation, capitalism is doomed Unfairness and hoarding, greedy concern Revolution intervenes to correct the imbalance For more conscious design do we yearn Pure socialism is left wanting Sapping motivation and incentive Human striving is needed A few drive the collective Not fair to confiscate that fairly won Nor to set conditions of abuse Of workers and producers Reasonable opportunities without excuse The cycle of value will have its limits The pie must be increased and fairly divided A sensible strategy for sustainable growth A baseline standard of living shared and provided Not removing the chance to get far ahead Or lack of concern for the welfare of masses Combine the best systems for development and progress Find the right balance, test that it passes Not rewarding the lazy, slothful and wanting Needs can be relative, not easy to quantify Removing motivation is a recipe for failure Incentives have merit, productivity amplified Where to draw the lines is the hard part The challenge to the solution Which moral compass, which values and measures? Here is the work of most wise execution Where are the leaders, the thinkers, the best? Understanding and compassion We must rely on the knowledge, historical wisdom Balance achieved with growth and with ration |
March 2021