Fresh Insight
A northern cardinal arrived,
out of the blue. Never saw one around here, spring always brings something new. His call quite distinctive, his markings unique. Persistence rewarded, nice to get what you seek. A mate finally arrived, now they are two. They have a new purpose, building a nest. Expecting a family, no time for rest. Much work to do, time to prepare. Perpetuate the species, carry on the beauty. Wonder and uniqueness, instinctual duty. Cardinals are special, some see them as signs. Reminder of spirits, messengers of the divine. I just see a creature, living its life. Doing his best, surviving and thriving. He seems content in his surroundings, focused, fulfilled. Not worried or anxious, not bored or thrilled. I wish them well, greetings each day. I hope to see more like them, such a colorful display. Comments are closed.
March 2021