Fresh Insight
Two worlds exist, which one might you choose?
Collective effort to help make things finer, or selfish intent, all need, want and desire. At the expense of any that get in the way, no values to help guide your path. Do anything and everything just to stay ahead of the pack. Is this the road to happiness or true emotional lack? Why should we choose the high road, the good road, the way? Just indulge in all forms of pleasure and stay, in bliss and contentment, high times and fun nights. Do you think this can last, really fill your real need? A dead end, no fulfillment found in personal greed. Pleasure feels magical in the moment of bliss. Afraid of the fun times, the good times you’ll miss? Trust that you can still fill the big needs and more, without guilt, shame, unhappiness that come from the core. Indulging your desires and wants, seeking pleasure at all cost, never ending pursuit, an endless treadmill, game lost. Not understanding the true nature of emotional fulfillment. How to find peace, tranquility, true joy, give up some things that bring instant pleasure. Delayed gratification for more noble pursuits, brings a greater form of happiness, contentment beyond measure. Even so the choices can be hard, living higher values, raising up your standards. Not accepting life as it comes, free wheeling, red handed. There are times when lower self gives out a strong call, for something to ease burden, relieve stress and strain. Source of instant pleasure comes tugging again. Calls out with a wanting, enticing and pleading. Which way should you turn, toward comfort not pain? Is the choice really so simple, could there be more to gain, choosing the path that you know is right? More consistent with your values, your purpose, insight. We all know the answer, we’ve done it many times, making the right choice, so much better we feel. Free of the pain lower passions ultimately reveal. More lasting pleasure in turning toward higher self. How to know the difference, focus on the delay. Gratification is greater at the end of the day, wait, choose wisely, live values through actions. True contentment you’ll feel and see positive reactions, from others around you who sense your good nature. Subconscious perception and unspoken awareness, more fruitful effort and attraction of helpers. Teaming up to get big things done, strange way things work out when you do this each day. More days you are consistent, persistent and worthy, your days will be better, productive and fun. Listen to conscience, avoid easy road to bliss, true passion of living, potential fulfilled you’ll not miss. The good road, the smart road, the narrower path, will take you farther in time, true gratitude will last. Remember the effect of the road that you take, decisions result in the world that we make. Comments are closed.
March 2021